Corporate social responsibility
Liburnia Maritime Agency is committed to delivering sustainable value to its employees, the environment and the community.

We ensure quality environment and working resources to all our employees. Our employees are the core value of the company, and investing in their professional development is very important not only to ensure the quality of our services but also to maintain a happy, healthy, positive, and stimulating workplace. With well-designed plan of educations and professional trainings, all employees have the possibility to upgrade their knowledge and acquire new professional skills. Group and individual educations are arranged throughout the year, and we’re measuring their progress with KPI for education.
All employees are covered with an additional health insurance policy which includes a yearly medical exam with the possibility to use 3 additional medical services of personal choice. Office job includes many hours of sitting in front of the computer, so in order to maintain the healthy posture and keep the positive mindset, we have implemented group workout session in the office once a week. Workout routine with the professional trainer include breathing techniques and stretching. We allow our employees to take a break during work hours whenever they feel the need. In our pleasure room employees can relax on the couch, read newspapers or watch the tv.
In order to improve the teamwork and communication we organize teambuilding events every year, encouraging the employees to bond, increase their trust and have fun together. All our employees are highly engaged in CRS projects and volunteering, which entice their social consciousness and empathy. Volunteering is supported by giving the extra free day to employee for each day they spent volunteering. The opinion of our employees, especially how they feel about the workplace is very important. Therefore, every year they take the anonymous survey, and we can proudly say the results show the highest level of satisfaction. The company enables the students to do internships. We’re helping them in developing their skills for easier start of professional career.
The present gender ratio in Liburnia is 50% women and 50% men.

The environment
We strive to minimize the negative impact on the environment by developing our business towards environmental sustainability. We are proud that our employees understand the importance of sustainable development and actively participate in improving our system so that the company achieves even more than set environmental goals.
Liburnia’s workplace is plastic-free. Single use products are not welcome in our office. With usage of glass bottles and glasses, reusable cutlery and food containers we have minimized the waste and made our workplace healthier.In order to minimize our fingerprint on environment, we have implemented various measures:
promotional items are made of sustainable materials (cotton shopping bags, glass bottles)
catalogues, brochures and office supplies are made of recycled paper
we use recycled paper for printing, but our goal is to go digital as much as possible
refill cartridges for printers
waste management (separation/disposal)
priority to business travels with rail whenever possible
subcontractors’ audits - in order to work with those with the best environmental standards
Moreover, in order to alter consciousness towards environmental issues, Liburnia founded an environmental Initiative BACKTOBLU ( with goal to inform, educate and engage our clients, subcontractors, other organizations and wider audience to action.

Liburnia Maritime Agency Ltd. is actively involved in socially useful projects and continuously provide help to humanitarian and social projects and institutions of the local community.
Trough BACKTOBLU, Liburnia brings the issue of environment pollution to the forefront, and inspires behavioral change with:
social media content (facebook, instagram, LinkedIn) - staying up to date on environmental news, sharingcontent about pollution & promoting advices for behavioural changes
donations for Environmental NGO’s (profits from sales of BACKTOBLU items)
various projects & case studies (collaboration with scientific and educational institutions)
educations (in companies, schools and faculties)
ZERO WASTE brochure
Many projects are supported through donations to hospitals, sport clubs & cultural institutions such as Kantrida Children’s Hospital, Faculty of Maritime Studies in Rijeka, Krizni Eko Stožer Marišćina, YC Galeb Kostrena and many more.
Liburnia is also a founder member of “Predrag Stankovic” foundation, initiated by Faculty of Maritime Studies with the goal to support and help talented students with poor financial capabilities. Liburnia is financially supporting the foundation.